Friday, July 25, 2008

yes please ...

i be back !

so umm ....
we went to the mall to get something to wear to keenon's party and omg i got the cutest shirt ! :]
they said it was hoochie at first but when they saw me in it they was like oh its coo . so yep
we also went to target . i got pizza bites because i was so starvacious ! -_-
they were so scrumptious ! im actually makin more now .

umm so ..
OH YEAH !! i got attacked by a two year old this morning !! i was like gimme a hug, so she gave me a hug or w.e. and walked off .. so like 3 minutes later im sittin on the floor in front of my suitcase trynnah find something to wear and she run's up outtah nowhere like "GIMME A HUUUUUG !!!!!" and freakin attacked me then proceeded to choke the happy shit outtah me !!!
it was semi-hilarious at the moment but now its straight lmao-style

ok so ill deff get back with ya when i got some thangs to say !

your bestie,



i never let a statue tell me how nice i am said...

wtf ?!

are you aware you wrote in a font that no one, NO ONE ! will understand ?!

i never let a statue tell me how nice i am said...

i did ?!

oops !